Current & Past Projects
The Clinic works directly with hospital systems, clinics, human resources departments, and healthcare stakeholders to bring our engagements to staff effectively and equitably.

Vital Care: A Community Performance Residency for Healthcare Providers
Spring 2022
Members of our national cohort of healthcare professionals interested in exploring creativity for well-being gather weekly to create together through arts-and play-based devised theatre, focusing on what we need to feel cared for at home and work. The residency culminates with a final informal virtual performance that intends to share experiences within the healthcare professional communities, inspires ideas for supporting each other, and create an improved and more equitable system for all.
As a truth-teller and disrupter, Founder and Executive Artistic Director Tara Rynders, RN, embraces vulnerability, grief, and joy as means to end burnout and its detrimental effects, which acutely impact our patients of color in this keynote presentation. Nested in curiosity, creativity, and joy, this presentation is an immersive invitation to care for oneself through truth-telling, self-compassion, creative expression, and ultimately, the freedom to celebrate pleasure.
April 2022
Resiliency Moments Multisite Study
Summer 2022
In summer and fall 2022, The Clinic is running an IRB-approved study in hospital sites across the United States. This 8-week research study will implement Resiliency Moments, one-on-one virtual art, and play-based encounter with artists and healthcare personnel. This nurse-led research will investigate how Resiliency Moments decreases burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and increases compassion satisfaction and self-compassion using reliable, validated tools, including The Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) and The Self-Compassion Scale (SCS).

Full Day Virtual Workshop: Kentucky Nurses’ Association
October 2021
In partnership with The Actors’ Theatre of Louisville, The Clinic led a full-day virtual workshop for 12 nurses in Kentucky. This full-day workshop.....Add more text here.
Creative Caregivers Pilot
with the Oncology
Nurse Foundation
2021 - 2022
The Clinic partnered with the Oncology Nursing Foundation (ONF) to pilot a series of workshops working with five Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) chapters whose community members are oncology nurses in their regions. This pilot program, co-directed by Tara Rynders and Alison Waldman, addressed the ONF's strategic priority to raise awareness about and support the resiliency of oncology nurses through self-care and wellness initiatives. From October 2021 - January 2022, The Clinic led monthly virtual gatherings designed to address compassion fatigue and burnout for oncology nurses of Houston, TX; Upstate New Jersey; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; and North Carolina Triangle chapters.
An original documentary chronicling this program will premiere alongside a presentation by Tara Rynders and Alison Waldman at the ONS Congress in Anaheim, CA in April 2022.

What do caregivers need right now? How can they be supported in talking openly about shame, hierarchy in the healthcare system, and joy? What stories do they have to tell? How can we help them ask for what they need to stay resilient in high-demand jobs? In our #VoicesofCare series on Instagram, we ask caregivers to share their advice, stories, hardships, and joys of caregiving. Their voices help us redefine what resiliency means: holding space for, respecting, and caring for our caregivers.