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The Clinic researches the impact of the arts and play on burnout, secondary traumatic stress, self-compassion and compassion satisfaction in healthcare providers.
See our most recent 2024 IRB approved results after working with over 400 nurses from Kaiser Permanente in Northern California below.

In 2019, founder Tara Rynders and Diedre Bricker RN MSN developed an IRB-approved research study of The Clinic workshops to assess the outcomes of using art, movement, and play-based theater to help decrease burnout and secondary traumatic stress. The study was piloted at Rose Medical Center and The Medical Center of Aurora (Aurora, CO) in 2019.
Participants reported a dramatic decrease in burnout and secondary traumatic stress and a significant increase in empathy following the workshop. The Clinic continues to pursue research in an effort to underscore the impact of using art to decrease burnout and secondary traumatic stress through the processing of grief and trauma.
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